Let us help you

We can help! All we need is to understand your needs. Give us a call - we look forward to assisting you in getting the processes, tools and testing necessary for you to build products that are safe, useable and effective while meeting WORLDWIDE regulations/standards, e.g., ANSI/AAMI HE75:2009(R)2013, MDR, and FDA Human Factors requirements.

Contact Info

+1 (619) 301-2073

Medical Device Human Factors
c/o HirLan, Inc.
2121 Palomar Airport Road
Suite 202/203
Carlsbad, CA 92011

How Can We Help?

Request Information

Enter your name, email and your request. We will get back to you within 1 business day. You can also call us directly at (619) 301-2073
Please add MDHF@HirLan.com to your Safe Senders List.